Commercial Polygraph Services

All Polygraph Examinations are done in strict adherence to the Southern African Polygraph Federation (SAPFED) Code of Ethics and Code of Practice.
Furthermore, the American Polygraph Association (APA) Standards of Practice are adhered to.
Subject specific examinations.
Incident / subject specific tests are conducted reactively to a specific incident or subject. The polygraph is used as a forensic tool to test for guilty knowledge or the direct involvement of the examinee.
The polygraph is used to direct and streamline the forensic investigation.
More often than not incidents pertaining to dishonesty in the workplace strains the employer / employee trust relationship. The proper utilization of the polygraph test restores the trust relationship and speedily excludes non-deceptive examinees from the investigation.
Statements of witnesses can be rapidly verified or discredited. The polygraph can aid in locating hidden evidence and it aids in revealing additional investigative leads.
Periodic examinations
Periodic test or “screenings” are preventative pro-active, random or fixed periodic tests that are conducted on all employees, contractors, sub-contractors or service providers.
Also, referred to as “honesty maintenance”, it allows the employer to identify and invest in the honest employee. These examinations test for involvement in criminal activity, theft, fraud pilferage or procedural inconsistencies.
The deterrent value of the periodic screening or random polygraph test helps establish a culture of honesty and openness in any workplace. Contractors and sub-contractors are increasingly obligated to submit their personnel to these tests as it protects the interests of all parties involved.
Pre-employment / Vetting Examinations
Many organisations now require pre-employment polygraph tests for all prospective employees as part of the application process.
Pre-employment tests are used to probe for involvement in crime syndicates, theft, fraud or drug use.
The veracity of the actual application is also tested and the examinees background is probed.
Confirmatory Examinations
These tests are normally used to test the truthfulness of an examinee’s statements.
In cases where people are of the opinion that they have been falsely accused, a confirmatory test can be used to prove honesty / integrity.